§ 13-8. Penalties.
Any person or persons, firm or corporation, or any agent thereof who violates any of the provisions of this chapter may upon conviction be guilty of a noncriminal violation punishable as provided for under F.S. ch. 162, or by appearance before a county judge if a citation is issued by a police officer, code enforcement officer, animal control officer or others acting at the direction of the city manager. The department of public safety and all officers under its supervision may issue a citation for a civil penalty. A surcharge equal to all administrative costs, including, but not limited to any filing fees required by the clerk of court for the filing of civil citations by the City of Neptune Beach shall be assessed and collected from the defendant upon each civil penalty imposed for violation of this section. For violations of this chapter, the civil penalty shall be assessed and paid in the following amounts:
First offense ..... $100.00
Second offense ..... 300.00
Third and any subsequent offense ..... 500.00
A defendant may pay the civil penalty as specified above, in lieu of appearing in county court. A defendant may exercise this option by paying the specified fine at the public safety building within ten (10) days of their violation. If the civil penalty is not paid by such time, the city shall proceed to enforce such violation as otherwise provided by law.
(Ord. No. 2011-07, § 8, 5-2-11)