Neptune Beach |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 6. ANIMALS |
Article I. IN GENERAL |
§ 6-6. Quarantine of biting animal; laboratory analysis; city's liability; costs.
It shall be the duty of the animal control officer to catch and impound, domesticated animals that require a quarantine hold due to a bite. Any domesticated animal suspected of being infected with rabies shall be seized by the city, and held in quarantine for ten (10) days. If the animal that has bitten a person is killed or dies within the quarantine period, the animal shall be released by its owner to the city for laboratory analysis by a licensed veterinarian or Duval County Health Department. Home quarantine is an option at the animal control officer's discretion, if the animal has a current rabies vaccination or it's for the best interest of the animal. A home quarantine agreement must be signed and the owner of the animal must provide a copy of the animal's current vet record.
Fees. The owner of an animal in quarantine must reimburse and/or pay in advance the cost of the testing required above. In addition, the owner must pay for impound and boarding of the quarantine animal. The city is not liable for the animal while the animal is in custody and the city is not responsible for any compensation to either the owner of an animal or to the person bitten by the animal.
(Ord. No. 1998-01, § 1, 4-6-98; Ord. No. 2005-09, § 3, 5-2-05; Ord. No. 2011-22, § 2, 11-7-11; Ord. No. 2017-01 , 2-6-17)