§ 27-575. Purpose and intent.  

Latest version.
  • The city council recognizes that there are various persons and entities that have an interest in communicating with the public through the use of signs that serve to identify businesses and services, residences and neighborhoods, and also to provide for expression of opinions. The council is also responsible for furthering the city's obligation to its residents and visitors to maintain a safe and aesthetically pleasing environment where signs do not create excessive visual clutter and distraction or hazards for pedestrians and vehicles; where signs do not adversely impact the predominantly residential character of the city and where signs do not conflict with the natural and scenic qualities of the city. It is the intent of the council that the regulations contained in this article shall provide uniform sign criteria, which regulate the size, height, number and placement of signs in a manner that is compatible to the residential scale and character of the city, and which shall place the fewest possible restrictions on personal liberties, property rights, free commerce, and the free exercise of Constitutional rights, while achieving the city's goal of creating a safe, healthy, attractive and aesthetically pleasing environment that does not contain excessive clutter or visual distraction from rights-of-way and adjacent properties; the surrounding natural coastal environment and residential neighborhoods.

(Ord. No. 2005-12, § 1, 6-6-05)