Neptune Beach |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 27-516. Definitions.
The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Attenuation shall mean the reduction of post-development stormwater characteristics to the historical pre-development levels for peak discharge rate and volume.
Detention means the collection and storage of surface water for subsequent gradual discharge.
Illicit discharge and illegal dumping shall mean any discharge or dumping nearby to or into the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) that is not composed entirely of stormwater except for discharges resulting from firefighting activities and a few other categories listed in Part II.A.7a of the city's NPDES stormwater MS4 permit. Common sources and types of non-stormwater include, septic system effluent, vehicle wash water from commercial establishments, washdown, spills, leaks, yard debris, grass clippings, pet waste, litter, trash, midnight dumping, mulch, fertilizer, pesticides, paints, solvents, motor oil, antifreeze, fuel, spills, among other sources and substances.
Low impact design (LID) shall mean the principles to integrate the following concepts into the design process: use hydrology as the integrating framework, control stormwater at the source, minimize impervious surface area, create a multi-functional landscape and infrastructure, use of Florida-friendly landscaping, promote stormwater harvesting to reduce demands on potable water, promote recharge of groundwater supplies, protect surface waters, and improve air quality and reduce urban heat island effects through the use of vegetation and trees.
Municipal separate storm sewer system or MS4 means all of the components of the city's master stormwater system.
Pervious pavements shall mean pavements that have air spaces that allow water to move through the pavement, base material and subbase, and then infiltrate into the ground. Pervious pavement may include an aggregate base as a reservoir, and must have suitable native soils as a subgrade to support infiltrating into the ground. Pervious pavement is designed to accept precipitation, reduce runoff, and is typically thicker than traditional pavements to support the same loads. Pervious pavement systems shall have a permeability and infiltration capacity greater than that of the existing uncompacted native soil subgrade that typically has an infiltration capacity that exceeds twenty (20) inches per hour. Traditional solid brick paver systems or systems with base, subbase, or subgrade that are impervious or semi-impervious shall not be considered as a pervious pavement.
Pre-development shall mean the historical condition of a parcel of land prior to any land disturbing activities that have taken place.
Retention means the collection and storage of runoff without subsequent discharge to surface waters.
Sediment means the mineral or organic particulate material that is in suspension or has settled in surface water.
Site means generally, any tract, lot or parcel of land or combination of tracts, lots, or parcels of land that are in one (1) ownership, or in diverse ownership but contiguous, and which are to be developed as a single unit, subdivision, or project.
Stormwater means the flow of water which results from, and that occurs following a rainfall.
Stormwater management facilities shall mean those facilities systems which are designed and constructed or implemented to control discharges necessitated by rainfall events, and may incorporate methods to collect, convey, store, absorb, inhibit, treat, use or reuse water to prevent or reduce flooding, overdrainage, environmental degradation and pollution, or otherwise affect the quality and quantity of discharges.
(Ord. No. 91-1-5, § 2, 5-6-91; Ord. No. 2013-02, § 4, 6-10-13)