Neptune Beach |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 27-497. Requirements for potable water.
Central potable water required. Every principal use and every lot within a subdivision shall have central potable water.
Water to be tested. No subdivision lot shall be sold, nor buildings connected to the water system until the water system has been sterilized, tested, inspected, approved, accepted and connected to the municipal system. Bacteriological test results shall be acceptable to the state board of health. The system shall withstand a static test of twice the design pressure with a maximum leakage of four (4) gallons per inch of diameter per pound of test pressure per mile per day.
Design of system. The system shall be designed to deliver an instantaneous demand at forty-five (45) pounds per square inch to the farthest connection, based on line losses in quantity and pressure delivered at the maximum hour of design from the connection to the city main. Population shall be calculated at the rate of two (2) persons per bedroom, but in no case less than ten (10) persons per acre, in residential developments.
Mains. No water supply mains shall be constructed less than four (4) inches in diameter. Distribution mains through the subdivision shall be no smaller that the sizes stipulated in the city master water distribution plan. The city will reimburse the developer the difference in cost between six-inch mains and any larger diameter as required by the master plan, based on a pro rata share of the area developed to the area ultimately served by the main.
Fire protection. The system shall be designed to supply the necessary fire demand in quantity and pressure with fire hydrant construction spaced as stipulated for the classification assigned to the city by the National Protection Association.
(Ord. No. 91-1-5, § 2, 5-6-91)