Neptune Beach |
Code of Ordinances |
§§ 27-253—27-320. Reserved.
Exhibits, Figures and Tables
The following pages contain graphic representation of the exhibits, figures and tables that are referred to throughout this article.
Figure 27-222-1
Preferred Buildings:
• Floor area ratios and site area relationships are consistent with surrounding neighborhood.
• Massing is interrupted by breaking up building planes and using architectural styles and elements suitable to the neighborhood.
Table 27-226-1—Table of Permissible Uses
Editor's note— Ord. No. 2011-13, § 1, adopted Sept. 12, 2011, deleted Table 27-266-1, entitled "Table of Permissible Uses", which derived from: Ord. No. 2006-10, § 2, adopted June 5, 2006; Ord. No. 2007-01, § 1, 3adopted Ma. 5, 2007; Ord. No. 2008-10, § 2, adopted Sept. 8, 2008; Ord. No. 2010-10, § 2, adopted July 12, 2010; and Ord. No. 2010-12, § 2, adopted Sept. 7, 2010. See § 27-266 for similar provisions.
Table 27-229-1
Zoning District Minimum Lot Area Minimum Lot Width Minimum Front Yard Setback (1) Minimum Side Yard Setback Minimum Corner Lot Side Yard Setback Minimum Rear Yard Setback Maximum Lot Coverage Maximum Building Height R-1 12,000 square feet 100 feet 25 feet 10 feet 15 feet 30 feet 50 percent 28 feet(5) R-2 10,000 square feet 85 feet 20 feet 10% of lot width and minimum of 7 feet 10 Feet 25 feet 50 percent 28 feet R-3 5,000 square feet 50 feet 15 feet 10% of lot width and minimum of 7 feet 10 feet 25 feet 50 percent 28 feet R-4 4,356 square feet(3) 40 feet Flexible (4) 7 feet 8 feet Flexible (4) 50 percent 28 feet R-5 2,562 square feet/dwelling unit (2) Apartment Complexes: 200 feet. For Single Family Dwellings see (2) 30 feet For Apartment Complexes: 25 feet. For Single Family Dwellings see (2) For Apartment Complexes: 25 feet. For Single Family Dwellings see (2) For Apartment Complexes: 30 feet. For Single Family Dwellings see (2) For Apartment Complexes: 35 percent. For Single Family Dwellings see (2) 28 feet C-1 7,500 square feet 60 feet 25 feet 10 feet 15 feet 10 feet 60 percent(6) 35 feet C-2 10,000 square feet 80 feet 25 feet 15 feet 20 feet 15 feet 70 percent(6) 35 feet C-3 15,000 square feet 100 feet 25 feet 20 feet 25 feet 20 feet 75 percent(6) 35 feet CBD None None None 5 feet 7 feet 5 feet 85 percent 35 feet NOTES:
More specific front yard setbacks shall apply in locating new structures around the following road segments: (See subsection 27-231(b).)
For multifamily dwellings that are permitted in the R-5 zoning district, this requirement is the minimum square foot area that can meet the high-density residential category specified in the comprehensive plan. This requirement is primarily designed for multifamily development such as apartment complexes. For single-family dwellings, the zoning requirements of the R-4 zoning district for SFD will apply.
For single-family dwelling, four thousand three hundred fifty-six (4,356) square feet are required, for a two-family dwelling, eight thousand seven hundred twelve (8,712) square feet are required (per city attorney's legal opinion). This requirement insures that the medium-density residential category specified by the comprehensive plan can be met.
The front and rear yard setbacks may be flexible in that both measurements must total thirty-five (35) feet; however neither can measure less than the fifteen (15) feet.
For lots in the R-1 zoning district that have a minimum lot size of twelve thousand (12,000) square feet and one hundred (100) feet lot width as measured at the building line parallel to the front face of the house and perpendicular to the primary side yard, thirty-five (35) feet of maximum building height will be permitted, so long as the primary roof structure is built at a minimum five-twelveths roof pitch, and not to exceed two (2) stories of living area.
No retail store, wholesale warehouse, nor any freestanding building for any permitted use shall exceed sixty thousand (60,000) square feet in total gross floor area, as defined in section 27-15 of this Code. Shopping centers may be constructed so long as no single unit within such center exceeds this sixty thousand (60,000) square foot limit. Furthermore, any retail stores, wholesale warehouses, or other freestanding buildings for any permitted use located within one thousand (1,000) linear feet of each other that operate under common business ownership or management, share a warehouse or distribution facility, or otherwise operate as an associated, integrated or cooperative business shall not exceed a combined sixty thousand (60,000) square feet of total gross floor area in aggregate.
(Ord. No. 2006-08, § 3, 6-5-06; Ord. No. 2006-13, § 4, 7-10-06; Ord. No. 2007-21, § 1, 2-4-07; Ord. No. 2007-03, § 1, 4-2-07; Ord. No. 2007-06, § 1, 2-4-07)
Figure 27-231-1
Figure 27-231-2
Figure 27-231-3