§ 27-84. Preliminary development plan requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The preliminary development plan shall show the following existing conditions, in the form of a current (dated within thirty (30) days of plan submittal) certified, signed and sealed survey that is drawn to scale:


    The location of existing property or right-of-way lines both for private and public property, streets, railroads, buildings, transmission lines, sewers, bridges, culverts, drain pipes, water mains, fire hydrants, and any public or private easements.


    Any land rendered unusable for development purposes by deed restrictions or other legally enforceable limitations.


    Contour lines at two-foot intervals.


    All watercourses, waterbodies, floodplains, wetlands, including all proposed retention and detention areas, important natural features and wildlife areas, soil types and vegetative cover, if applicable.


    The approximate location of wetland protection zones, wetland buffer zones, wellhead protection zones, and wellhead buffer zones as established by this Code, if applicable.


    Existing land use/zoning district of the parcel.


    A depiction (sketch) of the abutting property in all directions that is within two hundred (200) linear feet of the proposal, showing:


    Land uses and locations of principal structures and major landscape features.


    Types of residential use.


    Traffic circulation systems, including driveway locations.


    Fire hydrant locations.


    The location of wetland protection zones and wetland buffer zones, if applicable.


    A title search of the property, conducted within six (6) months of plan submittal, including all encumbrances. All such encumbrances shall be shown upon the survey and identified by official record book and page.


    The location of the coastal construction control line (CCCL) if applicable.


    The location of any stormwater facilities.


    The preliminary development plan shall show the following development and design elements:


    The location and intensity or density of the proposed development.


    A parking and circulation plan.


    Points of ingress to and egress from the site in relation to existing or planned public or private road rights-of-way, pedestrian ways, or bicycle paths, and proposed access points to existing or planned public transportation facilities.


    Existing and proposed stormwater management systems on the site and proposed linkage, if any, with existing or planned public water management systems.


    Proposed location and sizing of potable water and wastewater facilities to serve the proposed development, including required improvements or extensions of existing off-site facilities.


    Proposed open space areas on the development site and types of activities proposed to be permitted on them.


    Lands to be dedicated or transferred to a public or private entity and the purposes for which the lands will be held and used.


    A description of how the plan mitigates or avoids potential conflicts between land uses.


    Preliminary architectural elevations of all buildings sufficient to convey the basic architectural intent of the proposed improvements.


    A map of vegetative cover including the location and identity by common name of all protected trees. Groups of protected trees may be designated as "clusters" with the estimated total number noted. This information shall be summarized in tabular form on the plan.


    Existing surface waterbodies, wetlands, streams and canals within the proposed development site, including seasonal high-water table elevations and attendant drainage areas for each.


    The location of any underground or overhead utilities, transformers, culverts and drains on the property and within one hundred (100) feet of the proposed development boundary


    Location, names and widths of existing and proposed streets, highways, easements, building lines, alleys, parks, and other public spaces and similar facts regarding adjacent property.


    A separate listing of all requested variances and/or special exceptions to the Code of Ordinances shall be submitted with each plan.


    Preliminary development plans shall include the following information on proposed development activities and design:




    Area and percentage of total site area to be covered by an impervious surface.


    Grading plans specifically including perimeter grading.


    Construction phase lines, if the project is to be constructed in phases.


    Buildings and other structures:


    Building plan showing the location, dimensions, gross floor area, and proposed use of buildings.


    Front, rear and side architectural elevations of all buildings.


    Building setback distances from the property lines, abutting right-of-way centerlines, and all adjacent buildings and structures.


    Minimum finished floor elevations (FFE) of buildings within any 100-year floodplain.


    The location, dimensions, type, composition, and intended use of all other structures, including, but not limited to, walls and fences.


    Potable water and wastewater systems:


    Proposed location and sizing of potable water and wastewater facilities to serve the proposed development, including required improvements or extensions of existing off-site facilities.


    The boundaries of proposed utility easements.


    Location of the nearest available public water supply and wastewater disposal system and the proposed tie-in points, or an explanation of alternative systems to be used.


    Exact locations of on-site and nearby existing and proposed fire hydrants.


    Streets, parking and loading:


    The layout of all streets and driveways with paving and drainage plans and profiles showing existing and proposed elevations and grades of all public and private paved areas.


    A parking and loading plan showing the total number and dimensions of proposed parking spaces, spaces reserved for handicapped parking, loading areas, proposed ingress and egress (including proposed public street modifications), and projected on-site traffic flow.


    The location of all exterior lighting.


    The location and specifications of any proposed garbage dumpsters.


    Pedestrian walks, malls, yards and open areas.


    Tree removal and protection:


    All protected trees to be removed and a statement of why they are to be removed.


    Proposed changes in the natural grade and any other development activities directly affecting trees to be retained.


    A statement of the measures to be taken to protect the trees to be retained.


    A statement of tree relocations and replacements proposed.




    Location, size and design of proposed buffer zones and landscaped areas.


    Description (species, quantities and locations) of all proposed and preserved plant materials.


    Environmentally sensitive lands within a wetland protection zone:


    The exact sites and specifications for all proposed drainage, filling, grading, dredging, and vegetation removal activities including estimated quantities of excavation or fill materials computed from cross sections, proposed within a wetland protection zone.


    Detailed statement or other materials showing the following:


    The percentage of the land surface of the site that is covered with natural vegetation and the percentage of natural vegetation that will be removed by development.


    The distances between development activities and the boundaries of the Wetland Protection Zones and Wetland Buffer Zones.


    The manner in which habitats of endangered and threatened species are protected.




    For regulated building signs, a plan, sketch, blueprint, blueline print or similar presentation drawn to scale which indicates clearly:


    The location of the proposed sign relative to property lines, rights-of-way, streets, alleys, sidewalks, vehicular access and parking areas, buildings and structures on the parcel.


    The number, size, type and location of all existing signs on the same parcel, except a single business unit in a multiple occupancy complex shall not be required to delineate the signs of other business units. In the case of a sign for a single business unit in a multiple occupancy complex, provide the total facade area of the single business unit's portion of the complex.


    A building elevation or other documentation indicating the building dimensions.


    The type, number and dimensions of the proposed signs.


    The type of proposed illumination, if any.


    Subdivision. Proposed number, minimum area and location of lots, if development involves a subdivision of land.


    Land use and dedications:


    Location of all land to be dedicated or reserved for all public and private uses including rights-of-way, easements, special reservations, and the like.


    Amount of area devoted to all existing and proposed land uses, including schools, open space, churches, residential and commercial, as well as the location thereof.


    The total number and type of residential units categorized according to number of bedrooms. The total number of residential units per acre (gross density) shall be given.


    Wellfield protection. Location of on-site wells, and wells within one thousand (1,000) feet of any property line, exceeding one hundred thousand (100,000) gallons per day.


    Historic and archaeological sites. The manner in which historic and archaeological sites will be protected.

(Ord. No. 2004-10, § 1, 10-4-04)