§ 24-33. Fertilizer content and application rates.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Fertilizers applied to turf within the city shall be formulated and applied in accordance with requirements and directions provided by Rule 5E-1.003(2), Florida Administrative Code, "Labeling Requirements For Urban Turf Fertilizers."


    Fertilizer containing nitrogen or phosphorus shall not be applied before seeding or sodding a site, and shall not be applied for the first thirty (30) days after seeding or sodding, except when hydro-seeding for temporary or permanent erosion control in an emergency situation (wildfire, etc.), or in accordance with the stormwater pollution prevention plan for that site.


    Nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizer shall not be applied to turf or landscape plants except as provided in subsection (a) above for turf, or in UF/IFAS (University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences) recommendations for landscape plants, vegetable gardens, and fruit trees and shrubs, unless a soil or tissue deficiency has been verified by an approved test. [Guidance: Soil and tissue tests for phosphorus are normally done by UF/IFAS or another accredited laboratory. IFAS recommendations are available from the county extension service or http://solutionsforyourlife.ufl.edu/lawn_and_garden/] .

(Ord. No. 2012-06, § 1, 4-2-12)