§ 24-31. Fertilizer-free zones.  

Latest version.
  • Fertilizer shall not be applied within ten (10) feet of any inlet, curb and gutter, public street, pond, stream, watercourse, lake, canal, or wetland as defined by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (Chapter 62-340, Florida Administrative Code) or from the top of a seawall, unless a deflector shield, drop spreader, or liquid applicator with a visible and sharply defined edge, is used, in which case a minimum of four (4) feet shall be maintained. If more stringent Code regulations apply, this provision does not relieve the requirement to adhere to the more stringent regulations. Newly planted turf and/or landscape plants may be fertilized in this zone only for a sixty-day period beginning thirty (30) days after planting if needed to allow the plants to become well established. Caution shall be used to prevent direct deposition of nutrients into the water.

(Ord. No. 2012-06, § 1, 4-2-12)